Topic of discussion: Blogger decorator or professional interior designer?

A few days ago, I came across a good post about personal branding written by Jennifer from the popular DIY/ design blog, Rambling Renovators. In her post, she mentioned about "finding your own niche and establishing yourself as an expert" and a few other tips. Honestly, I haven't really thought about establishing my blog as my personal brand. Interested, I clicked on the comments to read about the discussion further. Click here to read about the topic.

Anyway, as I was scrolling down to read the comments, I found one particularly interesting commenter sharing her thoughts. Here is what she said:

"I love this advice...but that first line of establishing yourself as an expert is something that irks me a little. I watched the CBC doc The Trouble with Experts. It's really interesting and looks into the issue of all of us becoming a generation of people that relies on experts. Getting off track. As someone who is actually putting in the time, money and hardwork at school to become an interior decorator, I find it troubling that a lot of design bloggers (who are not professionals) see themselves as experts. Experts at blogging yes. Experts at gaining an audience and admirers yes. Experts at renovations and DIY yes. Design expert no"

Jennifer's reply to her:

"I actually have a differing opinion on the blogger vs designer debate (not that I think there should be a debate at all -- I think there's enough pie for everyone!).

But I always think that talent will always rise to the top, no matter your education. You can put all the money you want into becoming a decorator, a designer, a lawyer, an accountant - it doesn't mean that you will be great at it. It doesn't mean you can call yourself an expert. Take Sarah Richardson for example - who has no formal interior design education! She has a B.A. in Visual Arts and worked her way up as a stylist. I don't believe she is a member of ARIDO and can't even legally call herself an Interior Designer. But can she call herself an expert? I most definitely think so. 
There are a few other design bloggers who I would put in Sarah's league, as someone whose expertise I would pay for and whose opinion I would value. Conversely, there are some professional decorators and designers who have the education, who know the tools and the lingo, who I wouldn't trust coming anywhere near my home. I guess I equate "expert" to "outstanding talent" and for me, professional education plays into that only a minor part.
Not to belittle your education - I completely agree there are way too many bloggers presenting themselves as experts - but money spent and education can't be the only determinant of expertise."
What do you think of both comments? Do you agree with either of them? The reader's comment stuck in my head because I have never been to any design school yet I followed my passion and started my own design business (end of last year). I would never called myself an expert but went ahead and start this business because it would bring me joy to decorate for others. Now, my question is what are your thoughts about blogger designers/ decorators who haven't had any formal education in design? Do you think they have less credibility than professional interior designers/ decorators? Would you hire someone like me to decorate your home or do you prefer a professional interior designer/ decorators to design your home? I would love to hear your thoughts.

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