The One Room Challenge- Week 2!

I can't believe how time flies! It's the second week of The One Room Challenge already. You can read about the first week of The One Room Challenge here

I am getting more and more nervous now because the hardwood floor installation is not completed yet. It's only 80% done now. If it's not done by next weekend, we can't proceed with these steps and we will have no reveal. Just thinking about the worst makes me shivers! You can read all about our hardwood floor drama here.

Anyway, let's not dwell into the crazy hardwood floor drama anymore and move on to the pretties, shall we? For the makeover of our master bedroom, I already have a furniture layout plan in my head but don't really have a specific color palette in my mind until I stumbled upon this..........

Honestly, I am not a fan of blue before I saw this pillow. I just never find the color blue to be appealing for some reason. (I am weird, I know, don't judge.) But when I saw this pillow at Target for the first time, my heart skipped a little. Because I am not sure if it's a momentarily excitement, I didn't buy this pillow on the spot.

But after a few more trips to Target later, my heart still yearned for the same striped navy pillow. Before I bought them, I needed to know where I will be putting them first. My first thought was the master bedroom. I really liked the idea of injecting some blue in my bedroom since all the other areas in my home is blue-free (I wasn't a blue fan before I saw this pillow, remember?) so I thought it will be a refreshing change. So, yes, the above pillow is the starting point and inspiration for my whole bedroom design!

After getting the pillows, I found this on West Elm.

With my new obsession with all things navy and all things whimsy, I was attracted to this pillow right away. However, like most pillows from West Elm, they are not always cheap. I was not ready to fork out $34 just for the pillow cover and then pay an additional $16 for an insert. So I waited for a sale and fortunately, they had one! I was so thrilled and bought one online!

And one day while doing my regular window shopping at Crate & Barrel, I saw the above mirror. It looked fabulous and as a plus, it was on sale, it was really affordable so I bought two. I thought they would  really compliment my new pillows.

Before I know it, my bedroom was heading to a nautical direction. I didn't plan on it but it just happened. I always love the easy breezy feel of a beach home but I have never thought of doing any kind of "beach-inspired decorating" fearing it might look too "theme-ish". 

But since I am already headed to this direction, I am planning to add other elements into the bedroom so the overall design doesn't look too expected or contrived.

Anyway, I have bought a few expensive items at West Elm prior so I have earned my first $50 design dollars. With the design dollars, I bought the two items above among other things I picked up that day.

And speaking of West Elm, the curtains I bought from them earlier wasn't the color I wanted so I went hunting for new ones again. After hunting for days, I found the perfect one. 

It had the color I wanted and it absolutely fit right into my husband's budget for just $20 per panel. I was about to get other more expensive panels before I found this on clearance! He asked me to order right away before they are gone forever. I ordered them last weekend and they should arrive sometime this week or next week. It's 96" long so I will need to make some adjustments considering I have a 92" tall ceiling on my master bedroom.

I also ordered these gorgeous white cotton canopy bed curtain panels for my four poster bed yesterday. I hope the length is right.

I already had cream colored canopy bed curtains earlier but I am ready to switch to white ones this time with my new all- white bedding. I am so excited I can't wait to decorate this room in the coming weeks!

So, what do you think? Do you like the direction I am heading to? I have a few more accessories I bought during sales last year but you will have to wait till the final reveal on week 6 to see how I bring everything together!

I hope you enjoyed seeing today's sneak peek of all the pieces I plan to incorporate in the coming weeks! 

The following are the 20 participants from The One Room Challenge.

LaurenThe Cottage Mix

Lindsay - Everything LEB

Barbara - Hodge:Podge

Tiffany - Living Savvy

Jessie - Mix And Chic

Danylle - Nana Moon

Jennifer - The Pink Pagoda

Emily - Rue de Emily

Lindsay - Sadie + Stella

Lisa - Trapped In North Jersey

I hope you will be following me and the rest of these talented ladies as we transform our spaces! 

Happy 4th of July to all my American readers! I know many of you will be out there picnicking, back yard barbecuing or watching the fireworks later today but my husband will be spending his entire day at home installing the remaining hardwood floors. (Poor guy!) 

Have a great day, you all! 

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