My son's bedroom (work in progress)!

After completing our master bedroom, we decided to turn our focus on our son's room. Our son, Isaac (who just turned six years old yesterday by the way) has been oohing and aahing our master bedroom a lot. He has been saying things like, "I like your new bedroom, mommy, it's so beautiful!". He also likes to hang out in our master bedroom during the day so I know he is ready for his own big boy room.

Technically, our home has four rooms, three on the same level (we have a ranch style home) and another room in the basement. My husband decided to use that basement room for storage so we were left with only three rooms. We got the biggest room as the master bedroom because it's the only room with an attached bathroom. The other two rooms were obviously smaller- a medium-sized and a small sized room.

I wanted to save the medium room for our son but my husband insisted that he get the smallest room. He wanted to use the medium room as the guest bedroom because it was furthest from the master bedroom and he needs his "privacy" when guests stay over. Now, my lovely readers, if you are in my situation, what would you do? Would you sacrifice your child's comfort for privacy? Or privacy is your top priority? Let me know your thoughts on this, I really wanted to know what the majority of you think.

Anyway, our son got the smallest room. When we moved in, the room was painted a lime green (picture shows yellow), has mini blinds and laminate flooring.

The room measures at 8' 8"x10' 4" and has only one window. Since I can't do anything about the room size, I decided to make it look brighter and larger using white paint.

At first I really wanted to do a feature wall with wood planks. We saved a bunch of planks when my husband ripped our deck earlier but now, he decided not to use them anymore. He wasn't sure if the planks were treated with chemical and didn't want to take any risks.

Then, I suggested we install a chair rail to add some architecture feature in the room. After the hardwood floor installation project on our master bedroom, he said he needed to take a long break (which means no big projects for him in a while) so the idea was banned as well. I thought painting a striped wall would be a great way to add interest to the walls. He finally agreed to my third suggestion. Phew! It was not easy selling my ideas to that guy, let me tell you! No wonder they said a couple that decorates together stay together, so true!

This bedroom, even though it's small, took me almost three full days to prep, prime and paint. It was a lot of work, which is why I am not a fan of any home renovation or DIY projects at all. For all you home renovators and DIYers out there, you got my utmost respect. My husband helped me with the stripe measurement, though. He is good with maths so I just let him do his thing.

The walls were painted and the taping for the stripes were up as well.

I have been accumulating accessories and stuff for my son's room for a while now. I can't wait to decorate this room!

This is the trundle daybed we bought for Isaac's room recently.

I love that it is white yet still gender neutral with some nice details. We have made quite a bit of progress lately so stay tuned for more updated pictures next week!

If you need help decorating your home, please click here for further information regarding my design services. 

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